Winter Dance Concert By Adam


One of the most exciting events at Milton Academy–the Winter Dance Concert–takes place in early March.  The concert is essentially a production of numerous dances, almost entirely choreographed by students. As a spectator of the event for the past two years, I am confident these student dancers will do no less than amaze us once again with their flawless and fluid choreography on stage. It is not hard to admire great dancing, especially when a school like Milton gives you the opportunity to see it in the form of this concert. This year, I found out how much work and dedication actually goes into this unbelievable production that is put on by our fellow classmates. You must be wondering how I was able to discover what goes into the Winter Dance Concert. Well, this awkward 6-foot-plus soccer player actually auditioned, and by some miracle, was selected for two of the 16 dances. I never imagined participating in anything like this concert. I always loved to dance and appreciated the art form, but performing on stage was never even a thought until I decided to audition one evening after a soccer game. The beauty of this production is that it not only produces elegant and rhythmic movements on stage, but it also brings us together as a student body. Almost everyone goes to see the Winter Dance Concert, and those who are dancing go through months of bonding and establishing their roles in an art form that few can say they have mastered. If I hadn’t auditioned that one day, I would not have this awesome opportunity of meeting new people, bonding with them, and learning from them. The two faculty members who help in the production of the concert are Kelli Edwards (Performing Arts teacher) and Kevin Moy (Science teacher). Everyone else in the production is a student, and this fact proves how impressive the concert is because of how these less experienced dancers are able to put together such beautiful images on stage.