Halloween on Campus

As Halloween approaches, Hallowell House, one of the girls’ dorms on campus, celebrates with long-standing traditions. After dinner one Thursday night, we gather to walk across campus to Goodwin House, one of the boys’ dorms. Upon arrival, we split into various groups and begin our annual pumpkin carving. In previous years, my group has carved designs such as the Boston Red Sox’s logo and a wolf howling at the moon. Then we wait in suspense as the teachers judge our carving skills. The carvers of the best pumpkin win Snack Bar Bucks, which is credit towards buying snacks, food, and drinks at the snack bar in the Student Center.

My favorite tradition, though, is when the faculty kids come trick-or-treating in Hallowell. To prepare for the occasion, we hang up spider webs and plaster the walls with ghost cutouts. The faculty kids at Milton walk through the halls of Hallowell and knock on our doors for candy. Then, to end the night, we gather in our common room to take pictures and eat Halloween themed candy. These nights of coming together to honor these traditions are some of my favorite memories at Milton.