Intro to Macroeconomics

One of my favorite aspects of Milton is the ability to take courses that really interest me. With second semester fully underway, one of my elective courses, “Intro to Macroeconomics,” is just starting to heat up. So far, I love it.

The class places a heavy emphasis on current events. Throughout the year, students keep a journal where we write summaries of current events and relate them to economics. I enjoy this assignment because it helps me understand the day-to-day implications of subjects I am studying. After our teacher collects them, he shares some of the best entries and I get to hear my friends’ takes on lots of crazy issues. At Milton, it is not unusual for debates to spill out of the classroom and into our free time. I have enjoyed many exciting and respectful debates about current events and their implications as a result of this project.

I also enjoy the class because it arms me with knowledge that helps me put lots of issues in perspective, especially ones that are constantly in the news. For example, after learning in depth about GDP, unemployment, and inflation (don’t worry if you don’t know what these mean, you can always take this class!) I feel more comfortable when reading or talking about them. I am excited for the rest of the semester!