Find Your Club! By Jadeite

At the beginning of every year, there is an activity fair hosted by all the clubs on campus. During every lunch period, all the clubs are lined up in the pathway between the bottom of the student center and the dining hall. Students, whether new or returning, have the opportunity to go to each table and check out what each club is about. Students can also sign a form expressing their interest in as many clubs as they like. Clubs are held after school from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. every day. This time gives students the opportunity to not only find what their passions are, but also to allow for students to meet others that share the same interests. Once students find the clubs they are dedicated to, they can apply for the position of a board member or co-head of the club. As an official member, students are required to put together an assembly and chapel service, as well as the optional weekend events. Just this year a club called Latino Association was able to bring famous writer Junot Díaz as their assembly speaker! Being a part of a club really allows students a bit of free time from our busy schedules every day to relax and have fun.