We just finished two words that cause students nightmares: Exam Week. Despite the inevitable stress that comes with studying for these huge assessments, Milton tries its best to make Exam Week as (dare I say) enjoyable as possible. Each Milton exam only lasts for two hours. Students are exempt from regular activities, such as club meetings and assemblies, giving us the rest of the day to ourselves. So we only have, at most, 10 hours of school during Exam Week instead of our regular 42. We also have something that not even the most heartless could resist: a petting zoo! Teachers and the Parents’ Association organized this event when they learned that petting animals relieves stress, providing students with maximum support during this stressful time. This past exam week, the Milton community included honorary students of chickens, rabbits, chinchillas, and a personal favorite: the diaper goat! (Yes, that is real thing). And if that weren’t enough, Milton also gives its students (and teachers!) a well-deserved four-day break afterwards, leaving us refreshed and excited for the second semester.