Senior Projects

Today was the first day back from spring vacation! Senior are now entering their last full month of classes until we begin Senior Projects in the beginning of May. The project period extends for the last month of the school year and is an opportunity for seniors to pursue an interest outside of the traditional classroom environment. Because projects are chosen, designed, and completed by students, the last month of Milton Academy is completely what seniors make of the experience. Seniors can either keep all their classes, do one or two projects, or combine both classes and...

Community Service Through Squash

At Milton there are numerous opportunities to partake in community service like Community Service Day and weekly volunteering opportunities at a variety of local sites. Every day, we learn the value of hard work and caring for one another. One of the best ways to show our values and care for the community around us is through service. The weekend before Thanksgiving Break, fellow OBK Head Tucker Hamlin and I went to the annual SquashBusters Thanksgiving Fest. As captains of the varsity squash team, we, along with Lillie Simourian of Class I and Coach Morgan Poor, traveled...