
Milton thanks the following grandparents, former faculty and staff, and friends who contributed to the School in 2013–2014.

Anonymous (3)

Mrs. Virginia AlexM

Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Bailey III

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bartley

Mrs. Pamela BentM

Mr. & Mrs. James Boyer

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph BradyM

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Braun

Mrs. Patricia Brennan

Mrs. Beverley S. Brinkerhoff

Connie & Chris BrownM

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bufferd

Mrs. Diane Butler

Ms. Rosalie ByardM

Mrs. Jean Cahouet

Judge & Mrs. Guido CalabresiM

Ms. Jacqueline R. Lundquist & Mr. Richard F. Celeste

Mrs. Dolly L. Chapin

Dr. Young ChungM

Mr. Robert Cioffi

Mrs. Sheila W. ClarkM

Dr. & Mrs. John Coates

Mrs. Jacqueline Coffey

Mr. Wilbur L. Collins

Mrs. Marilyn Collins

Mrs. Kathleen T. ConnorM

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Cook, Jr.M

Ms. Jane Siris & Mr. Peter Coombs

Mr. Douglas C. Cooney

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Cotter

Mr. Thomas S. CrowM

Mrs. Carol Culver

Mr. & Mrs. Travis Culwell

Rev. Margaret Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Curtin, Jr.M

Rev. Alexander S. DaleyM

Mr. John Damon II

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D’AprileM

Mr. Robert Davis

Ms. June H. Denis

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Devore

Mrs. Lucille DiGravioM

Mr. Louis DiMartinis

Ms. Mary Dingman-Abel & Mr. Christopher AbelM

Mr. James DoughertyM

Mrs. Nancy FenstemacherM

Mrs. Patricia M. Fitzgibbons

Mr. & Mrs. Edward FlynnM

Ms. Kathleen Ford

Mr. David D. FosterM

Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Fox, Sr.

Mr. Peter B. Frantz

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Freedman

Mr. & Ms. David Freeman

Mr. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.

Mr. Phil Geyskens

Mrs. Sondra GibbonsM

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. GilmoreM

Mr. Peter Gilson

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gliklich

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Glynn

Mrs. Danielle Gonzales

Mr. Paul S. GoodofM

Mrs. Rochelle GordonM

Ms. Lisa R. Gottschalk & Mr. Michael S. Parmacek

Mr. Robert Greiner

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hall

Mrs. Jane C. HallowellM

Mr. John T. Harrington

Mrs. Jane Harrop

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Higgins, Sr.M

Ms. Molly Hoagland

Ms. Ann P. Hochberg

Mr. Fletcher Hodges IIIM

Mr. Jonathan Hoffman

Ms. Charlene Holley

Mr. Philip HubbellM

Mrs. Aura R. Hulme

Mrs. Elizabeth HutchingsM

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hutchins

Mr. Roger Iafrati

Mrs. Laura IansitiM

Ms. Lea Iselin

Mrs. Karen Jacobs

Ms. Rosette JadotteM

Mr. Stephen B. Jeffries

Ms. Margaret A. JohnsonM

Ms. Kathleen G. Johnson

Mr. Robert E. L. Johnson

Mr. Jhong H. Jung

Mr. Andrew Kasprzycki

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew KaufmanM

Ms. Cynthia Keegan

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kennedy

Mrs. Patricia Kerins

Mr. Peter B. KeyesM

Mr. David S. Kirk

Mrs. Kathleen Kline

Ruth Ann & Leonard Laster

Mr. & Mrs. Raj LawandeM

Mr. Gareth Levy & Mr. Howard Levy

Mr. & Mrs. Robert LissM

Dr. John B. LittleM

Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Little

Mrs. Jacqueline G. LivingstonM

Mr. & Mrs. Abram London

Mrs. Sally Lord

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lucini

Ms. Kathryn S. Martin

Ms. Jane H. Maynard

Ms. Michelle McGowan

Mr. Victor A. McInnis

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Melone

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Michelson

Dr. Isidore MihalakisM

Mrs. Adena Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Monaco

Mr. & Ms. Dan Monahan

Mrs. Alison B. Moriarty

Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Iraj Nasseri

Mrs. Alma Navas

Dr. & Mrs. Morton B. Newman

Mr. Justin W. NixonM

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Mr. Patrick O’Connor

Mrs. Helen T. Park

Mr. Alan S. Paster

Mr. Mark Pavia

Mr. & Mrs. Paul PawlakM

Ms. Ellen C. Turner & Mr. Richard J. Peller

Mr. & Mrs. John Pennini

Mrs. Lynn Petrini & Mr. Gary Petrini

Mr. & Mrs. James Prather

Mr. & Mrs. Cal Probst

Ms. Margot C. Pyle

Mr. Matthew Rayner

Mr. Theodore I. Reese IIIM

Mr. & Mrs. James RendleM

Ms. Amanda L. Richman

Ms. Katherine Ring

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robbins

Mr. Pat RohnerM

Ms. Mary Ann Rooney

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy RosenwaldM

Mr. & Mrs. Bernie ScharfsteinM

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwab

Professor Walter A. Sedelow, Jr.M

Ms. Peggy B. Sherrill

Mr. Hardwick Simmons

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Simonds

Mr. & Mrs. Michael SpatolaM

Mr. Brandon Starkoff

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Steiner

Mr. & Mrs. Larry SykesM

Ms. Jill Sylvester

Mrs. Elaine M. Taggart

Mr. Ken Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Teller

Mrs. Wendy Tribley

Ms. Rebecca Troth & Mr. Christophe WrightM

Mr. & Mrs. William Tyler

Mr. & Mrs. Anders B. Unger

Ms. Irene Waas

Mrs. Joann Walker

Mr. Kip Ward

Mr. Thomas Weeks

Mr. Robert M. Williams

Ms. Victoria Williams

Ms. Barbara Wilson

Mrs. Marlynn Wilson-DonaldsonM

Ms. Hilary Wirtz

Ms. Maxine L. Wolf

Ms. Wei Sun & Mr. Xiaoyan Xu

Mrs. Carlotta ZilliaxM


If a donor made a new pledge in 2013–2014, he or she is listed at the giving level corresponding to the pledge. Otherwise, donor names are listed at the level of their cumulative gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

Italics identify donors who are now deceased but who made gifts within the 2013–2014 fiscal year.

A * (star) indicates a parent or alumni leadership volunteer or reunion volunteer.

A M indicates an individual or family who has made gifts to Milton for three consecutive years.

If you have a question, concern or problem regarding the Annual Report to Donors, please contact Liz Dixon-Eversole, director of annual giving, at 617-898-2374 or via email at