The endowment at Milton Academy includes more than 370 restricted and unrestricted funds held in perpetuity and invested for growth. The endowment is the financial bedrock of the School, and as of June 30, 2014, was valued at approximately $255 million. In 2013–2014, donors made gifts to the endowed funds, scholarships, and prizes listed below. For more information about endowed funds, please contact Kristin Donelan, director of alumni and parent relations, at 617-898-2421.
Howard and Susan Abell Fund
Established in 1973. Income is used to benefit the Music Department.
Louis Andrews Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1974. The income benefits a student in Class II who has best fulfilled his or her potential in the areas of intelligence, self-discipline, physical ability, concern for others and integrity.
The David B. Ball Faculty Salary Fund
Established in 2012 to underwrite faculty compensation.
The Clara Hayes Barrett Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2014, the Clara Hayes Barrett Memorial Scholarship Fund shall be used to support financial aid for any student at Milton Academy.
Joseph W. Barry, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1996. The income supports a US born student in need of financial aid.
Ebenezer Francis Bowditch ’31 Scholarship
Established in 1990 to enable students of different cultures to attend Milton Academy.
Sarah Bowles ’56 Speaker Fund
Established in 2013, by family and friends of Sarah Bowles, to fund speakers who reflect the intellectual curiosity and rigor that marked everything Sally did as both a student and a professional.
Dr. Robert LeSourd Bradley ’64 Archeology Fund
Established in 2001. The income funds a student on an archeological dig. The income is used biannually, beginning in 2008.
Elizabeth G. Buck Teaching Chair in Elementary Education
Established in 1996. The income recognizes outstanding teaching in the Lower School and supports curriculum innovation.
Butler Family Chair For Science
Established in 2013, the purpose of the fund is to honor excellence in the teaching of Science by supporting the salary and development of a faculty member of the Science Department.
Cabot Endowed Fund
Established in 2010 to support the teaching of sustainability
The Henry Warder Carey ’39 Prize
Established in 1945. The income funds an award to members of the First Class, who, in public speaking and oral interpretation have shown consistent effort, thoroughness of preparation, and concern for others.
Chan Family Endowment
Established in 2008, to support faculty, scholarship, and the residential life activities of Millet House in honor of Mr. Millet.
Class I 2011 Endowed Fund for Faculty Support
Established in 2010 by Class I 2011 parents who are striving to raise $1 million.
Class I 2013 Faculty Innovation Fund
Established in 2012-2013 by the parents of the Class of 2013. The income provides faculty members opportunities to pursue innovative and fresh ideas to enhance their craft, and be further implemented into their curricula – making Milton a top institution for the 21st century.
Class of ’52 Endowment for Religious Understanding
Established in 2002 to provide one or more forums for the discussion of the diverse faiths that exist in the United States and throughout the world.
Class of 1953 Love Kindness Endowed Fund
Established in 2013, this fund will help support the good works of Milton Academy students in their effort to help others. The fund supports the Community Service Spring break trip to an area where help is needed. Having been raised with and guided by Dare to be True, the Class of 1953 would like to leave Milton Academy students with a legacy of Dare to Love Kindness so that they in turn may pass it on to future generations.
The Robert L. Daley Prize
Established in 1984. The income supports a prize in the Classics to the student from Latin 4 or beyond who best exemplifies Mr. Daley’s love of language.
Mark Denneen Scholarship
Established in 2007 to fund a qualified student from a Massachusetts public school.
David C. Dudley ’45 Scholarship
Established in 1945. The income is for a scholarship for one or more Milton Academy boys from the first year they receive the scholarship through the year of their graduation.
Endowment Fund
Established in 1887. Placed in endowment, the income is unrestricted. Trustees may also use the principal if they choose.
Endowment for Faculty Salaries
Established in 1951. The income is for faculty salaries.
Endowment for Faculty Support
Established in 1995. The income from this fund is to go toward faculty salaries, curriculum development, faculty professional development, faculty chairs or stipends.
Endowment for Financial Aid
The fund includes of many gifts made in the last 50 years which have indicated a preference for scholarship.
Mary Ilsley Farnham ’29 Fund
Established in 2010. The fund was established to honor Mary Ilsley Farnham’s commitment to Milton. The income funds a scholarship for a qualified student each year.
Fitzgibbons Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014, the income will support students with financial need.
Thomas and Frances Flaherty Scholarship
Established in 2008, the income funds a Class II boarding student who exhibits athletic and academic excellence and has earned the respect of teachers, coaches and peers.
Fund for Academic and Athletic Excellence
Established in 2008. The income provides financial aid to a female athlete participating in varsity soccer. If such a girl cannot be identified, the scholarship will be granted to another female athlete.
Gerney Family Fund
Established in 1998 to provide financial aid to a needy boarding student.
Melissa Dilworth Gold ’61 Visiting Artist Fund
Established in 1992. The income only from this fund is used by the Arts Department to bring a nationally recognized artist to the campus each year.
The Victoria and Mark Graham Endowment Fund
Established in 2013, this fund supports the endowment.
Greer Fund for Faculty Development
Established in 1999. The income from this fund is to support faculty salary and curriculum innovation.
Grossman Family Fund
Established in 1992, the fund provides a full range of faculty support in the areas of Math and Science, English and creative writing, and the Classics.
Roger Hallowell ’28 Memorial Fund
Established in 1991. The income of this fund supports a scholarship for a science student to attend a three week program each summer through Sea Education at Woods Hole.
Harlow Keith and Elizabeth Otis Hammond Scholarship
Established in 1968. The income partially supports one or more boarding students who are sons of Boys’ School graduates.
Eric and Mary Hartmann Fund for Faculty Enrichment
Established in 1987. The income is used at the headmaster’s discretion to aid faculty members with unusual or extraordinary needs.
Ralph Hornblower Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1986. The income benefits a male scholar athlete.
Kaiser Fund for Speech and Debate
Established in 2013. Funds to first provide essential support to the speech and debate programs. Once those program area needs are met, remaining funds will be distributed across the performing arts department at the discretion of the department head.
Kellner Scholarship
Established in 1987. The income funds a scholarship, with preference awarded to children of employees of not-for-profit educational institutions.
Korean War Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1956. The income funds a scholarship for a student, preferably from developing countries or regions.
Frank Edwin Lane Fund
Established in 1951. The income supports the salaries of math teachers, pays the tuition of a faculty child, or pays any emergency expenses of any faculty member at the head of school’s discretion.
Samuel M. Lane ’27 Scholarship
Established in 1967. The income funds a scholarship intended for a boy or girl in the Upper School, and offers tuition support through graduation.
David ’41 and Joseph ’52 Loring Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1978. The income supports a student in the day school, paying partial tuition from the year the student first receives the scholarship until he or she graduates.
Lyman Fund for Media Development
Established in 2013 by Charles P. Lyman ’60, the fund provides budget augmentation for the film courses or courses in the Visual Arts which promote the development, study and understanding of the moving image.
The Henry and Winifred Lyons Fund
Established in 2014 to support faculty growth and development.
The Robert ’75 and Dana Lyons Scholarship
Established in 2014 to provide financial aid to deserving Milton students.
Abigail B. Mackey Scholarship
Established in 2001. The income provides financial assistance for one or more female students, entering Milton in Class II and III, with a demonstrated interest in mathematics or science, a clear need for financial assistance, and a background that differs from the usual.
Frank D. Millet Scholarship
Established in 1997. The Millet Scholarship is awarded to a student with financial need who has attended Milton Academy for at least one year; a student who demonstrates high moral integrity, is supportive of classmates, and has established meaningful relationships with peers and faculty. The Millet scholar is a student who by virtue of his/her character and deeds is an integral member of his/her class, and holds great promise as a leader.
Frank D. Millet Chair in Admissions
Established in 1995. The income supports the Director of Admissions position.
Reginald and Rebecca Lord Nash Scholarship
Established in 1980. The income funds a “motivated boy, with academic and athletic promise,” and remains with that boy until he graduates.
Willis Nichols, Jr. ’30 Scholarship
Established in 1986. The income funds a partial aid scholarship to one or more boarding students, preferably from middle income backgrounds, until they graduate.
Albert and Mary Lou Norris Memorial Fund
Established in 1982. The income pays the cost of school needs, as determined by the Head of School.
Tracy Pun Palandjian Young Graduate Endowment
Established in 1999.
Mark A. Paresky Endowment Fund
Established in 1997.
Laurence S. Persky ’79 Memorial Prize
Established in 1981. The income funds a prize to recognize an outstanding effort of any type in any Milton publication.
Jennifer Pham Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2011 to honor the memory of Jennifer Pham, a Millet House girl who died during her Class II year. This fund supports a young woman with exceptional promise.
Daniel Pierce ’52 and Polly Harding Pierce ’52 Scholarship
Established in 2005. The scholarship supports a student in upper or lower school and it remains with that student through their year of graduation.
The Pouliot Family Fund
Established in 2014 to provide additional assistance for students receiving financial aid when unforeseen needs or opportunities arise, with preference for academic or athletic program expenses.
Joseph Procter ’32 Golf Prize
Established in 1990. The income funds an award to the student who embodies the qualities of Mr. Procter whose love of the challenge and etiquette of golf enriched his life and the lives of his friends and family.
The Qiu Family Fund
Established in 2014, the Qiu Family Fund supports Milton Academy’s on-going operations.
Ernest Rehor ’44 Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1945. The income funds scholarship for a boy in the day school, and remains with the student until he graduates.
John Sherburne Reidy Day Scholarship
Established in 1999. The income supports a day student scholarship.
Charles Parker Reynolds Library Fund
Established in 1919. The income enables the purchase of books without restriction.
Margaret Filoon Robertson ’56 Music Fund
Established in 1996. The fund supports travel for music groups.
David Rolbein Fund
Established in 1994. The income maintains Milton Academy’s buildings and grounds.
Albert J. Scullin ’55 Scholarship
Established in 2005 to support a general scholarship.
Nina Seidenman Scholarship
Established in 2008. The scholarship supports local inner-city students.
The Shih & Lu Fund for Excellence
Established in 2014.
E. Skinner, Jr. ’47 Scholarship
Established in 1970. The income is intended for an Upper School boy until the year he graduates.
Richard Stevens Memorial Squash Fund
Established in 1985. The income is to offset the costs of building and maintaining the Williams Squash Courts.
Stikeleather Family Fund
Established in 2014, to support and encourage an innovative curriculum for grades K–12.
Paul, Anna and Paul Swett Jr. Memorial Fellowship
Established in 1968. The income provides one or more faculty members with the means for creative or experimental study, teaching or travel.
Swim Team Endowment
Established in 2006 to support the swim team and eventually construct a pool on campus.
Lawrence A. Sykes Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 to support diversity within upper school day student population.
The Fund to Support the Teaching of Chinese
Established in 2013 by Samuel Williamson ’89 and his wife Eleanor Fuqua Williamson. Income from this endowed fund supports Milton’s Chinese language program.
Unrestricted Endowment
Established in 2014 for gifts when the donor indicates no preferences of any kind; these undesignated funds will be placed alongside the endowment, and the corpus can be spent.
Thomas C. Wales ’70 Scholarship
Established in 2003. The endowment is restricted until the donor designates a purpose.
Andrew H. Ward Scholarship
Established in 2004. Purpose is to endow and fully fund a day scholarship by reviving the scholarship originally established in 1936 by the alumni council in honor of Andrew H. Ward.
Edward W. Weld Scholarship
Established in 2007 to support the general scholarship.
Williams Squash Prize Fund
Established in 1972. The income of this fund is used to award the Albert C. Williams Prize bowl to the winner of the All-School Squash Championship: the Ralph B. Williams, III prize bowl for the MVP boy in squash and the Ralph B. Williams, Jr. Prize bowl for the MVP girl in squash.
Yeh Family Fund
Established in 2007, The Yeh Family Fund provides financial aid for students from Greater China including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and the Peoples Republic of China and the Academy’s on-going operations. In the event that there is no student who meets the above description, funds may be used to assist a student of Chinese heritage.
Yip Family Endowment
Established in 2011 by Kevin Yip ’83 and Ka-Hay Kip ’89, the Yip Family Endowment supports Milton Academy’s general operations.
Zinny Scholarship
Established in 2006, the Zinny Scholarship supports a Class I student who represents those traits and characteristics exemplified by Dr. Miguel Zinny including compassion, dilligence, a keen intellect and well-respected by peers and faculty.