Communication: Connecting You With What You’d Like to Know

You may wonder when you’ll hear from Milton: How often? About what? How? And why? We are eager to support our Milton parents and help you understand and follow the exciting life of School. To do that, we combine regular messages from people at Milton with the rich resources at and through our mobile-friendly site.

Here are a few communication points that you can expect.

About your child:
 Your child’s advisor will touch base with you during the first two weeks of School; after that, contact between parents and advisors usually develops in ways that are helpful and suited to the broad range of parent and student needs and styles.

About School life: 
Academic Dean Jackie Bonenfant, and Dean of Students José Ruiz will write to you about matters of interest that affect all students over the course of the year.

As you would expect, Ms. Bonenfant will talk about students’ academic lives: faculty comments and what they mean; grades; exams; course selections; the intellectual life of the School. Ms. Bonenfant’s letters will reach you through your myMilton account, when you use the account over the coming year to view your student’s grades and comments.

Communications from the deans’ office reflects the flow of events here at School; they’ll arrive when you would appreciate a heads up, a source of information, or a way to understand Milton more fully.

About events, activities, performances, games:
 Milton’s website calendar quickly and easily brings date, time, place and other key details to you. Check out the video below about using the calendar to see how to make it deliver exactly what you’d like, or give you an overview. On your phone, bookmark Milton’s mobile site, and use the mobile site to go directly into the calendar (

About your child’s experiences:Centre Connection, your online newsletter, brings you a great window into the School—video, audio, feature articles and profiles about the colorful day-to-day life at Milton. It is published five times each year, in synch with School life, major events and seasonal transitions (August, October, December, February, April). You will receive an email link to Centre Connection; the current edition and all prior editions are always available on the website under the Parents tab.

About Milton Academy, A to Z:
 Check for in-depth information about every aspect of Milton Academy. This video about using the website will familiarize you with what you can find.

This clip lives on the video tutorial page with other tutorials about using various Milton web resources. Each day, track the popular “photo of the day,” the latest news, and calendar highlights. Social media icons on the home page link directly to Milton’s social media channels. In particular, don’t miss Flickr photo albums and Vimeo video tracks. The Search on the home page will quickly deliver options that match whatever need you type in the box.

About time-relevant, important messages, including emergencies:
 We will use Milton’s broadcast message system to connect parents and students with information that has time, location, or situation urgency. This system sends messages simultaneously by email, text and cell phone. You will receive these messages rarely, and they need your attention as soon as they arrive at your number or email address.

Occasionally Head of School Todd Bland may choose to send email messages to parents as an efficient and direct way to communicate with you about issues of particular importance. Mr. Bland uses this platform when he feels parents would benefit from his overview of a relevant, timely matter.

These highlights give you an overview of communication channels and resources that we hope will serve you well. We welcome your ideas about ways we can change or add to this plan.