Posts by lmatson

Can you help? The Community Service program depends on gracious volunteer drivers to get students to and from their weekly, off-campus service sites. Parents have been a tremendous help in making volunteer work possible for over 250 dedicated students each year. Students volunteer at area public elementary schools, day care centers, elder centers, residences for the disabled, and the local animal shelter, where their assistance is...

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Milton’s head monitors announce the exact moment when Gotcha begins. A game of elimination, players tag one another and try to keep from being tagged themselves. The winner is the last surviving player. The game is launched during the shoulder week between sports seasons, and every student from Class IV to Class I is on the playing roster. Some people really take to the live action game, and play to win. Whether you’re an avid player...

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“What is safe water?” asked Dr. Daniele Lantagne as she spoke to students about the role math and science plays in her work on household water treatment in developing countries. Dr. Lantagne ‘s research focuses on developing, implementing and assessing the effectiveness of water and sanitation interventions in developing countries and emergency contexts.

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Jennifer Hughes, the newest faculty member of Milton’s visual arts department, introduces printmaking techniques to students in her art classes. In Studio Art, students work on relief printing—carving images into woodblocks and rolling the ink across the flat surfaces. In Advanced Drawing, there is a unit on intaglio printing, where students carve lines into the surface of plexiglass and then put the ink into the lines—the opposite of relief printing.

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